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Cesium Iodide Calibration Compound (FAB-C2)

Cesium Iodide Calibration Compound (FAB-C2)
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Price: 0
Product ID : FABC2
FABC2 4 mL bottle of FAB-C2


Cesium Iodide calibration compound is available from Scientific Instrument Services. This is a 10% solution in distilled water and is used for the 2000 to 5000 range.


     m/z       Rel. Abundance      m/z        Rel. Abundance
   132.905         100.00        2731.004        0.03
   392.715          12.00        2990.814        0.01
   652.525           2.00        3250.624        0.01
   912.335           0.70        3510.434        0.01
  1172.145           0.40        3770.244        0.02
  1431.955           0.20        4030.054        0.01
  1691.765           0.10        4289.864        0.01
  1951.548           0.05        4549.674        0.01
  2211.385           0.04        4809.484        0.01
  2471.195           0.06        5069.294        0.01
     -                 -         5329.104        0.01


Click here to view SDS on Cesium Iodide

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