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FC-43 (Perfluorotributylamine) Calibration Compound

FC-43 (Perfluorotributylamine) Calibration Compound
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Price: 67
Product ID : FC4335
FC4335 Bottle Size=35 gram Bottle of FC-43 FC43200 Bottle Size=200 gram Bottle of FC-43 FC43100 Bottle Size=100 gram Bottle of FC-43

Scientific Instrument Services, Inc., supplies the FC-43 (Perfluorotributylamine) calibration compound for the calibration of all mass spectrometers. This compound is available in bottles of 35, 100, and 200 grams.

FC-43 is equivalent to Thermo # 50010-30059.


FC-43 Perfluorotributylamine
Molecular Weight 671
Formula (CF3(CF2)3)3N)
Boiling Point 170 to 180 deg. C
d25 1.88


Mass Spec Calibration Spectra for FC-43 (Perfluorotributylamine)

Methane Negative Ion CI Spectra for FC-43

m/z  Rel. Abundance        m/z   Rel. Abundance 
---  --------------        ---   --------------
214       1.51             431       1.88
219       2.80             433      20.05
226       1.77             434       2.00
231       2.60             443       1.24
233       2.40             445      22.50
245       2.50             446       2.13
264      10.31             452     100.00
269       3.31             454       1.09
281       5.87             464      11.07
283      11.79             465       1.57
295       3.30             476       5.38
296       1.59             481       1.18
300       1.39             483      55.17
302      58.19             484       5.72
303       3.09             493       1.24
312       8.02             495       2.22
314       3.62             502       1.97
319       2.34             514      28.59
326       1.22             515       3.31
331       4.82             526       2.84
333      20.89             533       9.43
334       1.48             534       1.19
343       1.02             538       1.69
345       1.18             545       2.36
350       3.72             552       1.12
352      11.20             557       8.88
362       1.36             558       1.37
364       7.19             565       9.67
369       2.02             565       1.40
376       3.71             576       2.33
381       3.12             583       6.46
383      11.28             595      58.89
393       1.12             605       1.18
395       3.13             614       1.53
402       4.88             633     100.00
414      34.39             634      19.01
415       2.84             635       1.29
419       1.55             645       1.57
426       6.64             655       1.05
 -         -               683       3.56

EI Positive Ion Spectra for FC-43

m/z  Rel. Abundance        m/z   Rel. Abundance 
---  --------------        ---   --------------
 69      100.0             181        1.8
 70        1.1             214        1.2
 76        0.7             219       50.7
 81        0.6             220        2.3
 93        1.3             226        1.0
 95        0.6             264       13.4
100       17.7             265        0.7
101        0.7             314        1.8
112        0.8             326        0.3
113        0.8             352        0.7
114        7.9             376        0.4
119       13.0             414        3.4
131       47.9             415        0.4
132        1.7             426        0.6
145        1.0             448        0.2
150        2.8             464        1.5
164        1.4             502        2.6
169        4.0             503        0.2
176        1.5              -          -


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